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03/29/22 09:23 PM #189    

Gerald Deslauriers

I purchased the historical CD. It plays fine in my laptop CD player but will not play in my DVD player connected to my TV. It says "this operation is currently prohibited for this disc". Would really like to watch the video on my TV.

04/03/22 10:02 AM #190    


David Halperin

In the first week since the “mighty” class of 63, Rich East High School announced the dates & location for our gala 60th reunion, 15 classmates and their guests have signed up for the fun times that will commence on October 3-5, 2023! Why not join your friends and sign up today!

04/09/22 10:04 AM #191    


David Halperin

It’s been just two weeks since the “mighty”class of 63, announced the dates & location for our gala 60th reunion, 19 classmates and guests have signed up for the fun times that will commence on October 3-5, 2023! Why not join your friends and sign up today!






07/26/22 12:43 AM #192    


Bill Paul

For those of you that wished me Happy Birthday it is always appreciated. I will share the story with you and the fact is my Birthday is actually the 24th. I went to collect ss and they gave me the news. Mom said there nuts but the Birth Certificate is correct. I was born on the 24th and the Doctor signed on the 25th. It took six monthe to get it corrected. You think someone owes somebody owes somebody? Need not comment. That little incident is kind of my life just a little cloud over my head. Thats the first story and there are numerous more. Should write a book but the publisher indicated that they did not have the program to correct my spelling. By the way there are a bunch of you in those stories. We did not hurt anyone unless you coount monetary losses. You all Stay well. Bill Billy 

11/10/22 11:34 PM #193    


Bill Paul

Hello, This is Bill Paul or if you look at the graduation list the Name is William Gunning Campbell Paul 4TH. Yes they chose to read that aloud as to my embarrassment or the miracle that I actually graduated.  We are getting long in the tooth. When I was 32 I thought I had a heart problem. Jumping all over the place. Well I went to get all kinds of test. The Doc comes out and said you are going to live to 75(Truth). Well not looking forward to 75LOL. So just curious as I consider you all my friends but lets get down to it are any of my close buddys coming. Waiting to here from you or the girl that had the big crushon me. the one thing I want is the Yearbooks. I would tell you a story on why I do not have mine but better said in person. I wish all of you the best in health and happiness(spelling?) Bill or Billy Paul

11/11/22 11:18 AM #194    


Rhonda Johnson (Stevens)

Trust me. You will have such a good time. We all did last year. The reason for the promoting and preparation for this. Likely the "Last Call"

11/12/22 09:54 AM #195    


Dean Osterling

Hope you will be there, Bill.  It will be fun!

Dean Osterling

11/12/22 08:55 PM #196    


Bill Paul

Jim kiley are you going to the reuninon? I am taking a poll as I have a large Goiter(LOL )and in this world I must apologize If you know anynoe who has that. Lets be honest we all know each other but we had our different cliche I will mention some of Mine and if they are gone I give my pryayers. To move on Ed Schmal, Dean Bamer, Craig Mattson, Jim Walsh, Bill Jacks, Jim Stone(passed).Karl Kuester, Dick Hurkes(passed) Bill Keplinger, Mike Gunn,Don Preston,Chip Lau,Rick Sheldon, Bill Guion(he stareted the fight) LOL, Bob Singerman. Seth Eisner(he will denite it). Not in our class but a great guy and would at the drop of hat he defened you. Of course I never needed it (escuse me HS)..Quick story on Terry as he and I are in the heights and a car pulled up and jumped out. As brave as Terry was he looked at them then in our car. Adios and off we went.I am forgeting one story as I blew up the pencel sharpenef in World History(room). The catch was the teacher was a cousin of my Dads. Lastly as I will call you pretty women now I want to thank you for your beauty and understanding as we were dropping pencills on the floor for obvious reason. I whish you all  good Health and Happiness  Bill or Billy or Willy

Ps. There are a lot of friends I forgot but I do not have a reference to rattle the blame for them I am sorry.

Flash Backs Diana Iid

Mary Flaherty

Cheryl Szeigas

Nancy White

Beth Gruver 

All Crushes on plus many FEMALE teachers and I will Leave out Leonard Piert

Aplogize for the mispels and verbage. Good luck to you all


11/13/22 11:13 AM #197    


Rhonda Johnson (Stevens)

Not one person will speak to your goiter or my oxygen. We know somewhere down deep we are OLD. But together we are YOUNG again.

12/30/22 02:43 PM #198    


Gloria Lisanti (Brown)

Does anyone have any info on the closings of St. Irenaus and St. Lawrence O'Toole?  St. I is such a beautiful building! I was married there in 1969. 


01/29/23 08:01 PM #199    

Stephen Goldberg

shout out to Jim Kiley for that wonderful video of old PF.  whileI only lived there for my junior year at Rich East, i have fond memories of both the city and of the so may people who welcomed me during that year.  Rich East so avante garde for the time (it probably was).  I had a wonderful year and would have liked to stay, which my family would have done but for my father's untimely passing.   This video brought back a lot of memorites.  Those houses and townhouses and the plaza must be getting quite old by now.  If ay of you go back there, I would be interested in hearing your descriptions of how the place has fared.    for those that care, I moved back to chicago for my senior year of high school, the Univ of Michigan for college, and then on to law school at Yale.  I moved back to chicago for a few years, spent 9 months with my then wife bumming around Europe just a cut above the way students did, then moved to San Francisco for a long time and then down to Los Angeles about 20 years ago.    I do think of my Park Forest days from time to time and am happy that I have been included on this forum.   regards to you all,    steve goldberg





04/05/23 07:12 PM #200    

Michael Murphy

Forgive the shameless promotion of my new work. Just published last month my new book.

04/06/23 11:32 AM #201    


Rhonda Johnson (Stevens)


04/06/23 06:10 PM #202    


Lee Biard


04/07/23 08:46 AM #203    


Stuart Allen


04/09/23 01:12 PM #204    


Richard Robey (Robey)

Mike,  bought the book and am 100+ pages in.  Love the Ricks Cafe integration for the locals to tell their stories of what's happening I. The region. 

enjoying it completely.  


10/21/23 04:24 PM #205    


Robert Witanowski

60th Reunion Photos: You can download, order prints, and share them with your family, friends, and colleagues. 

12/07/23 11:56 AM #206    


Rick Sheldon

Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish friends from Park Forest. Such a wonderful life growing up in a loving community where Christians and Jews lived in harmony. 
Sherry and Dr Rick Sheldon

12/08/23 11:08 AM #207    

Seth Eisner

Thank you, Rick.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.

12/08/23 05:30 PM #208    

Marc Hynes

Happy Hanukkah to you, Rich, and to Seth-how impressed I was when you invited the new kid in the school  to the movies, way back in 1959-1960. All good times. Let us hope they return going forward.

04/07/24 03:35 PM #209    

JoAnn Brady (Long)

Sharing sad news...just found out Leroy Stege passed away two years ago...here's the link to his obituary

Found out too REHS was built on the swampy land that originally belonged to his family.

04/07/24 03:40 PM #210    

JoAnn Brady (Long)

Here's hopefully a better, direct link to Leroy's obituary...

01/17/25 02:50 PM #211    

Gregory Habas

Just learned that Coach George Egofske has passed away at age 93.  Don't know any details. 

Just finished his book Not Good, Not Grerat, But Fantastic.   He was quite the educator in every sense of the word - of course as the coach, but also as the teacher, leader, and glowing example for his students, and everyone he came into contact with.  Rest in peace coach!!!

01/19/25 11:05 AM #212    

David Westlund (Westlund)

Hey Greg, thanks for the sad news. I'm wondering if there's a service we could attend to pay our respects to a great coach! He saw potential in me as a wrestler when I was a freshman and he mentored me through high school. I tried to live by his example through life. One night after a meet he knew I wrote my motor scooter from unincorporated Mattson and because I had a foot of snow on top of my seat behind the school he insisted on following me home. When I got about a mile from home, I waved him goodbye because I thought I could handle it from there. He was tough, but he always said a good example for all of his athletes and students! I was lucky enough to have breakfast with him at our Reunion and I was amazed with his health and his keynote speech to our class. If anyone knows about Services or anything, please post.

We all learned something from his example. Rest in peace, Coach.

Dave Westlund 

01/20/25 08:38 AM #213    

Audrey Logsdon (Lehner)


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