Bill Paul
Jim kiley are you going to the reuninon? I am taking a poll as I have a large Goiter(LOL )and in this world I must apologize If you know anynoe who has that. Lets be honest we all know each other but we had our different cliche I will mention some of Mine and if they are gone I give my pryayers. To move on Ed Schmal, Dean Bamer, Craig Mattson, Jim Walsh, Bill Jacks, Jim Stone(passed).Karl Kuester, Dick Hurkes(passed) Bill Keplinger, Mike Gunn,Don Preston,Chip Lau,Rick Sheldon, Bill Guion(he stareted the fight) LOL, Bob Singerman. Seth Eisner(he will denite it). Not in our class but a great guy and would at the drop of hat he defened you. Of course I never needed it (escuse me HS)..Quick story on Terry as he and I are in the heights and a car pulled up and jumped out. As brave as Terry was he looked at them then in our car. Adios and off we went.I am forgeting one story as I blew up the pencel sharpenef in World History(room). The catch was the teacher was a cousin of my Dads. Lastly as I will call you pretty women now I want to thank you for your beauty and understanding as we were dropping pencills on the floor for obvious reason. I whish you all good Health and Happiness Bill or Billy or Willy
Ps. There are a lot of friends I forgot but I do not have a reference to rattle the blame for them I am sorry.
Flash Backs Diana Iid
Mary Flaherty
Cheryl Szeigas
Nancy White
Beth Gruver
All Crushes on plus many FEMALE teachers and I will Leave out Leonard Piert
Aplogize for the mispels and verbage. Good luck to you all